Sunday, August 3, 2008

Life's like that.

The week leading up to the Bangalore blasts had been a dream epoch as far as my professional front was concerned. Anirudh, the "graduate" software engineer had won a Value Recognition Award for demonstrating the Symbian value of Excellence and also had been bestowed with a very good mid-year appraisal. I was on a high as gift coupons too accompanied the award.

Around 3'o clock on that fateful afternoon, my office was buzzing with news of bomb blasts in Madivala, which I dismissed as some sort of rumor. Then, news of serial bomb blasts in Bangalore started trickling in and to my horror, I found these to be entirely true. The ibnlive website confirmed 4 blasts in Bangalore and all the happiness drained out of me.

One could argue that these were low intensity blasts and had caused very little mortal damage. But the fact that some people could go to the extent of killing innocent civilians, who do not even know these people and then mask it with a religious name and label it as crusade disturbed me the most. I am hard pressed to find a cause that justifies these murderous acts.

However, what followed this was even worse as serial blasts rocked Ahmadabad the next day. I thought the perpetrators of these blasts had succeeded in their motive of terrorizing the mass as I was praying to god to save the next day off any news of more deaths or blasts.

As far as some imbeciles who run this country were concerned, they could do no better than utter those cliches of 'we condemn this heinous, cowardly acts of terror, blah, blah blah'. I hold them as much responsible to this as much as the people who executed this plot. Intelligence failure on our part is the main reason this machination succeeded.

People may call it freedom struggle, revolution or even fight against oppressive powers. Nothing can justify these acts of terror. May god bless every soul that has suffered because of this violence. A bright sunny morning always dawns after a chilly dark night. Life is really like that.


I would like to thank BSNL for repairing my modem, which was out of order for more than a week. Their swift action of redirecting me to numerous telephone numbers, people and offices when I approached them for not taking action on the complaint registered is highly appreciated.
"2 mbps super speed, BSNL is all you need!"


adityashenai(u109054) said...

Great article ...Life's like that and its becoming more f'ed up as the days are going by...religion money power ...screwing up everything ...

adityashenai(u109054) said...

And terrorism and dunno what they are gonna acheive .... and when this is gonna end